Research Proposal/Protocol

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Parental awareness, attitude and acceptability toward HPV vaccine, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: A cross sectional study

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common viruses affecting the genital skin and mucosa (1) . HPV can cause cancers of the oropharynx, vagina, anus, and penis (1). There are more than 200 different types and most of them do not cause any disease in most individuals but some types can cause genital warts or even cervical cancer which is the reason for concern (2). Those causing cancer are called oncogenic or high-risk serotypes and those not causing any lesions or symptoms are called non-oncogenic or low-risk serotypes (1,3) . As supported by the report of the ICO/IARC Information Centre on HPV and Cancer report (4), cervical cancer (CC) can also be considered the 3rd most common gynaecological cancer in women in Saudi Arabia as there is no exact data available for the prevalence in Saudi Arabia but the genotype of HPV is same as seen worldwide (5). The Saudi Ministry of Health (MOH) reports that there are 1.9 incidences of CC for every 100,000 women in Saudi Arabia (6). In Saudi Arabia, the majority of HPV-positive tumours are also infected with HPV-16/18/45 (70% cases), which causes cancer to manifest about 5 years earlier than the combined HPV-negative and other HPV genotypes (7,8).